A Look at my rotation these past 10 days
I set out to focus my gameplay on League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, WoW, Civilization V, and Clash of Clans for the first rotation of 2015, and I succeeded mostly.
Valla and Li Li
In Heroes of the Sotrm, I played a bunch of matches learning the ins and outs of Valla and Li Li. I actually advanced my player level from 1 to 9 and in the process got Valla to level 6 and Li Li to level 3. With Valla, I actually played a few “Versus” mode games against other people after I attained level 5 with mixed results. Some people definitely knew what they were doing better than I did, and I found out how squishy Valla can be when real people focused on me. I have been experimenting with a Strafe build, but I need to recognize that using my ult does not grant any defense.
Li Li on the other hand has a bunch of sustain. Her heals are smartly targeted, and focus on me when I am the most damaged teammate in the area. I’m not sure how much damage she does since I tried to stick with others for the few games I played with her, but she definitely allows people to stay in the fight a lot longer. I also felts she was a huge benefit when going against tower – her healing let people keep on damaging them for a lot longer. Since I’m only level 3, I haven’t tried the “Versus” mode with her yet though, so it will be interesting to see how she does when facing human opponents.
Nitocris and IntrepidRedshirt
In League of Legends, I’ve been working with 2 summoners. Nitocris is max level and has tons of games under his belt while IntrepidRedshirt is just starting out. During the past 10 days, I’ve been playing pretty will with Nitocris, moving from Bronze III to Bronze I, but I’ve done this all before. I had reached Silver V at one point only to fall all the way back to Bronze V because of bad luck, poor play, and horrible teammates. I am hoping to make my improvement stay with me this time, even though it is only preseason. Hopefully, once the real season starts, I’ll be able to jump right into Silver or above – I think my abilities have improved since season 4 started.
IntrepidRedshirt is just starting out and has reached level 6 playing Ashe, Garen, and Lux. I’ve played mostly Bot games, but as Lux, I’ve run a few teambuilder games. Thusfar, I’ve been successful and have been enjoying playing Lux as a support. Based on my plan for this summoner, I have set up both Ashe and Lux as potential champs to use against human players, but I only played 3 games as Garen and want to wait till I get another 2 games under my belt as him. Unfortunately, he is now out of rotation so I’m not sure how long it will be till I finish him up.
I think my playing in the lower levels with different champs is helping my overall gameplay as Nitocris. Once I started my young summoner, I started moving up in the rankings, so I definitely think this is a good thing for improving my play.
Clash of Clans
During the past 10 days, I took part in a few wars with my clan and had some decent success. It has been difficult since I am one of the lower leveled players in the clan so have limited options on who to attack. I have managed to tally up a star or two in the past few wars, and I am working on building up my town hall so I can contribute more. Leveling up to TH6 has opened up healer production as soon as I upgrade my barracks, and I can start making healing spells at the spell factory. The most important thing, though is that I keep working on practicing my attacks during clan wars – eventually, I will get high enough level to open up some more attack opportunities.
Civilization V
I went to my steam directory to start up my last game of Civ – I had let it sit since late November – and I was unable to get the save game to load. Frustrated, I did not play any Civ during this rotation because of that.
World of Warcraft
I listend to a bunch of people talk about how cold Warlords is, read a bunch of blog posts about how cool Warlords is, but did not take the chance to log in. I just did not have the motivation this time around.
4 out of 6
I would say that for this gaming rotation, I succeeded with 4 out of 6 games. The idea behind my rotation is to try to put 4-5 hours into each of the games in the rotation so that I get the flavor and fun of playing a variety of games. It helps to have this kind of goal since I found that without one, I sometimes would focus all attention on one game and not feel satisfied with my gameplay. Switching between games give my brain a chance to focus and expand at the same time and I feel like I’ve accomplished much more, even if it is only a couple of levels.
Rotation 2015.2
Since this process is still new, I think I will stay with the same games for #2. I’ve got a one way to go in all of them, and I think the new season is going to start soon in LoL. With that, ting to reach max level in WoW, and HotS going into beta, I think I will have plenty to keep my attention with these games over the next 10 days.
The post Gaming Rotation 2015.1 appeared first on Beyond Tannhauser Gate.