Have you ever felt hunted by a game? I have. The game is Book of Heroes and it's an iPhone/iPad game.
This is a game I played tons of a few years ago. It was the first game I played a bunch of on my iPhone. There wasn't much to it in the beginning, but shortly after I started, they added a guild aspect. People from my WoW guild got together and we started a BoH guild and started running through the team content. Basically, your guild had a set period of time to score kills against the npc monsters that inhabited dungeons or castles and then you got to fight against one or more boss characters. It was basically a stripped down version of raid combat in your standard MMO, but it was still pretty much you, as a single player, playing the game just as you would solo, but your kills contributed to a larger team goal. It was fun, but kinda got old after a while. Unless of course you paid to buy extra attacks or better weapons or such. Our guild did well to a point but after a few months people lost interest and we couldn't finish off the bosses any more. After about six months, I stopped playing and went on to other things.
The reason I am writing about it today is that I got another notice that the game is waiting for me to come back. This is a game I stopped playing back in early 2013 and they are still sending me notifications that I haven't played in a while. When I got my 2nd alert in a week, I felt like I was being haunted by a game that was dead to me. It's not that it's a bad game but I am done with it and don't want to be bothered anymore.
Have you ever felt haunted by a game you thought or wanted to be dead?
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Blaugust Day 12
#Blaugust #BookOfHeroes #iPad #iPhone
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