An Update on Using the WordPress App
It’s been about two and a half months and I am still using the WordPress app on my iPad for most of my blogging. As far as I know Blogsy is still having problems and from my understanding, it’s not being updated any further. But I’ve grown accustomed to WordPress and have learned to work around any of the issues I have encountered.
Photos and Media
The main issues I’ve seen deal with images and videos. I suppose I haven’t really had any serious problems, but I’ve found ways to do things easier. I don’t really like the way the app uploads images from my iPad. In addition to that, any information I apply to the image seems to get lost if I simply add the photo from inside the app. Instead, I’ve taken up the habit of uploading things via the web interface. This seems to work well from Safari, Chrome, or any of the various browsers I have on my iPad. More frequently though, I’ve started uploading images from my laptop since it’s a little easier to make sure they are the size I want in Photoshop rather than the various apps on my iPad I use to adjust images. I’m still edit things on my iPad, but I don’t really have a set workflow yet – I always seem to forget which app is better at which image adjustment – instead I just sorta randomly pick one and use what features it has.
I’ve taken steps to use markdown more often in piecing posts together. For this, I use Drafts which does a pretty good job. I still start with most of my posts in Evernote unless I dictate it to my iPhone in which case I use Drafts to capture the dictation and then use Evernote to piece together any other parts before brining it back to Drafts for the markdown. It might seem redundant, but I li,e to make sure I’ve got a copy in Evernote for reference later on.
What Happened to Blogpress?
I’m not really sure what happened to Blogpress. I guess when I transitioned away from Blogsy and started using WordPress and Blogpress, I wasn’t really aware of how to do everything in WP. As I learned, Blogpress just kinda faded away.
Still Focused on iPad
After all this time, I’m still primarily using my iPad for posts. Occasionally, I’ll throw something together on my laptop or do some image manipulation over there, but the freedom the iPad gives me to post from anywhere is just great. I’ve even used my iPhone for a post or two, but my iPad is pretty much with me wherever I go.
The post Still Using the WordPress App appeared first on Beyond Tannhauser Gate.