I've loaded up many a game on my iPad, but have not spent much time playing them. It's not that I don't like the platform for gaming, but more that I don't take the time to play games when I am away from my computer. Needless to say, there are quite a few good titles for the iPad and World of Tanks Blitz appears to be one of them.
I've been playing World of Tanks on my PC for a few months and while I don't consider myself anything other than a newb, I'd say this iPad version is a pretty close approximation of the full version.
And the controls are easy to understand and figure out. Swipe left or right to move the turret, and there is a joystick to turn the tank and drive around.
Shooting is done by simply pressing a fire button, or you can hit the zoom to get a better view of what you're shooting at.
They even have an auto-target feature that will track a target for you, but you still have to aim to hit where you want.
I've only played a couple of games, but it certainly feels like the PC version with fewer tanks and different/smaller maps, but the graphics are at least as good. The technology tree is slimmed down, but follows a similar pattern to the PC version, and you rearm and train in a similar manner as well.
With as much as I enjoy the PC version, I can really see myself giving this game a spin when I'm away from my computer. Unfortunately, I missed out on a free giveaway this weekend, but I still have a tank from the U.S., the German, and the U.S.S.R fleets so I can try out a few different vehicles before I actually 'pay' for a tank (pay meaning that you use experience points to train for and credits to buy new tanks – both of which you gain in battles).
I'd definitely recommend that if you have an iPad, you give this game a try – especially if you enjoy World of Tanks on the PC. The game is available at the iTunes Store and is an Editor's Choice.
I suppose I would rate World of Tanks Blitz a B+ and one of my favorite iPad games so far.
This is post 3 in my Blaugust Challenge.
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