Well, that was quick. I played and won 2 matches in World of Tanks Blitz and I already qualified for a tank upgrade.
My T1 Cunningham tank has been good for me so far, but the training program has you research the 37mm semiautomatic gun M1924 so that you can advance into tier 2 medium tanks.
Here are the stats for my workhorse so far, and below is my new shiney…
As you can see from the screenshots, the medium tank provides more armor and hit points, and a quicker rate of fire, but less traverse speed (not sure what that is yet). It also aims faster, which will definitely come in handy.
I am finding that more people try to capture the bases in the low levels of the iPad game as opposed to the PC version. On the PC, there seems to be a bit more maneuvering that occurs as people jockey for position on the larger maps. On the iPad, in my limited experience, people tend to go strait for the base. This could be a factor of the smaller maps or the fewer number of enemies that are going to be shooting at you on the mobile version. I suppose there are benefits to both play styles and it will be interesting to see how things evolve at higher play levels.
Anyway, I look forward to breaking in my new tank this evening after work.
For those interested, Wargaming.net is having an extravaganza in August dealing with World of Tanks and World of WarPlanes. The first events are over, but it is not too late to get involved in some of the later events.
Also, I found that when upgrading my WoT client on my PC, I had to go through the same steps as what I did for Eve Online. I wonder if this is a new thing for Zone Alarm…
This is post 4 in my Blaugust Challenge.
#WorldOfTanks #WorldOfTanksBlitz #iPad #Blaugust #ZoneAlarm
The post Upgrading to a Medium Tank appeared first on Beyond Tannhauser Gate.