Daily Ramble 128: Early Spain Barbarian Troubles
Barbarians have been the death of me so far in this game. I think it must have been turn 3 or so, but I started seeing scouts almost as soon as I planted my capital. It’s really slowed me down since I’ve had to focus on building up a military to deal with them instead of focusing on my cities. For someone just starting to learn the game, this isn;t the preferred way to start. I’d much rather have to deal with other Civs rather than Barbarian activity right off the bat, but I’ll deal I suppose. In any case, it’s all a learning experience anyway.
Spain’s Abilities
Looking at things for Spain, it seems she is a good candidate for a religious victory since many of her unique features tend to push the civilization in that direction. First, you have the leader, Phillip II. His ability is El Escorial which focuses on Inquisitors. With this ability, each Inquisitor can remove an extra Heresy which is pretty good for keeping external religions out of your country. He also getss a bonus of +4 combat strength when fighting against other religions. This could be good for either domination or religion victory conditions. With these bonuses I am leaning towards trying for a Religious victory.
The Conquistador is the unique unit for Spain and they too get a religious advantage. If there is a religious unit in the same hex they can convert a city that is captured by the Conquistador to your own religion. So this’ll make spreading religion easier.
Also, the Mission unique building provides for bonus faith so that’ll push things along quicker with religious victory conditions.
Religious Victory Conditions
To win a game on religious grounds you have to have the predominant religion in the world including every other major civilization. Missionaries and Apostles will help spread religion and so I’m gonna look to make a bunch of those, but first I have to found a religion. The first step I can see for that is to create a Pantheon. This seems pretty straightforward in that once I get to 25 faith, I can make one. To generate Faith, I’ll pick the God King economic policy that will generate +1 Faith in my capital. That should get me to Pantheon status in 25 turns. Then it’ll be time to focus on making my religion.
Getting the Pantheon worked out well. I was actually the first civ in the game to make a Pantheon so I got to pick from any of the beliefs so I took Divine Spark.
This gives bonuses to Great Person points which will happen as I build up Holy Sites, Campuses, and Theater Squares. Now I just need to get moving on my Great Prophet points so I’m gonna try to build Stonehenge which provides a free Great Prophet.
Unfortunately, Egypt built the wonder before I could finish. It really stinks that I didn’t start earlier but I had too many barbarians to deal with I couldn’t take the time away from my capital to focus. Oh well, I’ll try to build a Holy Site district and work that into a religion.
As I mind my own business, Cleopatra has been sending me emissaries and insulting me all over the place. I assume she’s been doing that to Saladin of Arabia since he decided to declare war on her. I’ve seen the Arabian and he’s living in Cairo and has a second city in Damascus that’s a bit close to me, but I thought Cairo was an Egyptian city. Perhaps that’s why they’re fighting?
In any case, looking at the leaderboard, I’m way behind. Once again, the influx of barbarians has really hindered my growth and I need to figure out how to get rolling fast.
But I suppose after 75 turns I’m gonna call it a day. I’m not sure I like Spain since I haven’t used any of their bonuses yet but I think I’m getting close. I’ll be making my Holy Site district soon and I’m hoping things improve from there.
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