Daily Ramble 131: One More Turn
Well, today really got away from me and I don’t know where all my time went. I did manage to get some turns in on my Civ VI game but while I wanted to roll through 25 turns today, I only ended up with 10. I suppose I’m at a point in the game where each turn brings lots of new things I have to research to understand better.
One More Turn: Spain from 77–87
The main issue I had during these turns is that I pretty much have lost my army. I had 3 warriors to start and 2 scouts and through dumb maneuvers with barbarians I now only have one warrior and a new scout that I built during the 10 turns. As I said in my last post on Civ, Barbarians have been eating me alive.
I did manage to get things going though as far as religion goes. While the mysterious 4th civilization that I haven’t met yet founded Taoism first, I was able to rush forward with Catholicism 2 turns later. I think I got a good deal out of things too since I was able to get Jesuit Education and Scripture.
Jesuit Education lets me purchase more things with Faith which sounded pretty good. Scripture seems to help me spread my religion since it creates a 25% stronger pressure for adjacent cities to convert. I think that’s pretty good for a civ I want to go for a Riligious victory with.
We’ll see how things go though since I’m so far behind with everything else at this point I’m not sure I’life get to the point where I can have a religious victory.
I also started learning more about Envoys since I met up with Seoul, Buenos Aires, and Hong Kong. I at least want to understand how to influence these city states to my advantage.
On the whole I didn’t move very far in game turns but I think I got through a pretty dense portion of the game – one particularly with concepts I wasn’t really familiar with.
The post Spain from 77-87 appeared first on Beyond Tannhauser Gate.